Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It has been a while

So sorry about not posting anything for the last few weeks.  I have had my hands full.  My son graduated from HS, we had a grad. party for him and a friend, my mother-in-law came to visit, my youngest brother came to visit and we had a 4th of July party.  Now I am getting ready to go camping and getting my son's administrative stuff done for college in Fall.  All of this plus I am 7 weeks post op from some surgery I had.  Boy, now that I put it all down in writing I realize how much I have been doing. 

Anyway, I did manage to make 3 new cards and I will be posting them soon.  I don't want anyone to think that I have given up on my blog.  I hope all of you are having a wonderful summer and that you are using your sunscreen.

I thought I would mention the sunscreen because I just went into our travel trailor and did my inventory for our summer camping.  I found 12.....yes that is right, 12 containers of sun screen.  Some old and some new.  Since my husband's diagnosis with melanoma a few years back, I have been obsessed with sun protection for my husband and children.  My husband jokingly told me that I need to find an addiction group to help me with my obsession.  LOL!  Oh well, it could be a worse addiction :-P. 


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